Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day Three - CN Tower

6 x 115 stairs = 690 stairs

690 x 3 days = 2070 stairs

stairs in the CN Tower 2597

527 more steps to go!

Today was a little harder and easier at the same time. I normally do the stair circuit with two colleagues who keep my mind occupied while climbing. I found it more difficult in that sense. I just got bored half way through. Then I started thinking about how tired I was and all the excuses that I had for not finishing. On the flip side I did speed up a bit just to make it go by faster which then made it easier mentally. I should get an iPod or something. I wonder if FM radio will work in the stair well?

On another fitness related note, I have almost convinced myself to run a 5k mini marathon here in Thunder Bay. Sunday, September 19th, 2010 is the big day. They are offering full marathons, half marathons and mini 5k runs. I am opting for the later. I haven't paid the fees yet. A little nervous to do so since I won't be able to get my money back. I will think about registering tonight and sleep on it.

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