Monday, October 11, 2010

Table and Chair Project

I found this little table and this chair at the local Salvation Army (where most of my projects start off). I bought the table for $10 and the chair for $5. They didn't always look like this...
The final table product with glass knobs and new paint.

Material I found a a yard sale a few years back. I knew it would come in handy! It's this wonderful pink textured fabric that is stiff yet has a bit of stretch.

The final chair product.

I was actually suprised at how well built this little table is. I don't know if was actually made in the 60's but it wouldn't put it past me if it was.

The drawers were all one piece of wood with no seams in the corners.

Before the paint job.

The chair before the paint and fabric.
*Tremclad Paint (white and water based)
*Staple Gun
*Glass knobs bought at Home Depot
*Paint Brush
*Steel Wool
I sanded down the table a bit and roughed up the chair so the paint would stick better. Then I cleaned it well with warm water. After that I got to work painting. The seat on the chair came up easy enough and it was a one minute job putting new fabric down.

Louboutin and Barbie Shoe Project

I was browsing some shopping sites one day a few years back and came across these goregeous shoes. I fell head over heels for these black shoes with red soles. I did a little more research as to where I could find such a pair of delectable foot ornaments only to have my heart crushed beyond repair to find that they were infact probably the most expensive shoes one could ever fall in love with. It would take a whole week's pay to by these shoes. So I talked to my fiance about skipping a mortgage payment... no such luck.

For years these shoes have been haunting me. I can hear their click-clack-click-clack in my imagination *sigh*. Fast forward to a few years later. I began collecting vintage style barbies. The old school Bild Lilli style and came across the same red soled shoes in barbie version! I figured that this was an almost suitable compromise only to learn that the barbie version are $60. It isn't that I cannot afford it but that I would have to convince Damien that $60 on doll shoes when I have never spent above $50 for human shoes was worth the investment. Yet another set back on my path to Louboutin :(

Then I came across this blog about shoe painting. This woman painted a pair of shoes white! I was intrigued but at this point I didn't put the two together yet. It was only the other day when I came across the Mattel Black Label barbie accessory pack where I found what I was looking for. Black barbie pumps. I said to myself, "now wouldn't those shoes be great if they had a red sole?" (insert light bulb here). And the rest is found in the above pictures. Enjoy!
The Recipe:
You will need...
*black barbie shoes
*red nail polish
*Q-tips (for inserting into shoe for a handle while you paint)
*possibly nail polish remover for mistakes
*your hottest barbie
I am going to try this next on a pair of black pumps I have. I will use an oil based Tremclad paint instead of nail polish... I have a feeling I will run out if I do.

Shanna and Dennis Project

My good friends Shanna and Dennis were married Sept 4, 2010. When Shanna asked me to be her photographer I immediately said yes... then I thought about it. The thought of being the sole photographer for a wedding frightened me! I couldn't let her know though. She liked my work so it was good enough for me if I was good enough for her :) Aren't friend great? So here are some photos from her wedding. She looked amazing! She has a great smile and smiley eyes on her worst days but on her wedding day she made my job extremely easy. I wish everyday were Shanna and Dennis's wedding :P

Wedding Dress Project

So I found "her" at the local Salvation Army. I originally had planned to take her all apart and use her for the beads. So I paid my $29 CND and took her home. I put her on my dress form and stared at her. Three weeks went by before I got the courage to being the process. I stared at her a moment. I saw a dress that someone at one point in time loved. I was worn on one of the best days of her life and now this sad dress ended up in a thrift shop about to be torn apart by an amature seamstress! I couldn't bring myself too it. So right then I decided to give her a face lift.

First I took off the sleeves. They were too small for my arms anyway. I don't know what shape the bride was but the chest part of the dress fit me well but the arms were so tight I couldn't even get into the dress. She must have been Mrs. Potatoe head. Anywho, I also took off the infamous "crotch point" as made popular by the 1980's. I also took out the bulk around the hips and a few layers of netting. Then I shortend the dress. I measured this with a measuring tape and cut just above the lace line from the bottom. I stitched up the holes around the arms, took up the point in the front, took the bow off the back and made the dress shorter. Then I took the lace off the bottom of the original part of the dress and re-stitched it onto the new hemline. This was probably the most tedious part of the whole process. So I re-attached the lace, added a pink flower for a modern touch and voila! A retro-fitted dress! Now loveable again! *Sorry the pictures are out of order... I am new to blogging*

Monday, June 21, 2010

Day Four - I made it!

I finally made it to the top of the CN Tower. 805 stairs today. I did one more set than the usual six. I think I might have even done 8 sets of 6 flights had I not run out of time. The biggest difference I have noticed is my endurance and my calf muscles. I have a weight scale that claims I am now 35% muscle... doubt it but it's nice to see that number go up. I do feel like I could kick a locked door open now. Maybe I will attempt it this Saturday when clubbing and test a bathroom stall first.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day Three - CN Tower

6 x 115 stairs = 690 stairs

690 x 3 days = 2070 stairs

stairs in the CN Tower 2597

527 more steps to go!

Today was a little harder and easier at the same time. I normally do the stair circuit with two colleagues who keep my mind occupied while climbing. I found it more difficult in that sense. I just got bored half way through. Then I started thinking about how tired I was and all the excuses that I had for not finishing. On the flip side I did speed up a bit just to make it go by faster which then made it easier mentally. I should get an iPod or something. I wonder if FM radio will work in the stair well?

On another fitness related note, I have almost convinced myself to run a 5k mini marathon here in Thunder Bay. Sunday, September 19th, 2010 is the big day. They are offering full marathons, half marathons and mini 5k runs. I am opting for the later. I haven't paid the fees yet. A little nervous to do so since I won't be able to get my money back. I will think about registering tonight and sleep on it.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Day Two - CN Tower Stair Climb

Today seemed much more difficult. I did the full 6 sets. 115 stairs x 6. I am already half way to my first CN Tower climb! Whoo... time to get some water.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Climbing the stairs of the CN Tower - Day One

The exercise room in my house is still under construction so in the meantime I have decided to climb the stairs of the CN Tower. Well, not actually the CN tower. I will use the stairs in my office building and calculate the number of steps. 6 floors of stairs are 115 steps. The CN Tower has 2,579 steps. I figure if I do 6 sets of 6 flights every four days I will have climbed the CN Tower's steps. I will also wear a number 6 on my shirt just for my Christian mother. My co-worker who will be my climbing buddy has figured that in 72 days we will have climbed to the top of Everest. Today is day one.

Start Weight: 160 pounds (BMI 25)
Total number of inches (Bust, waist, hips): 107
Long Term Goal: BMI of 22

T minus 15 min. My legs are feeling the burn already.

30 min or so later...
I made it with little problems. Very sweaty though. 3 more days and I do my first CN tower.